Car/Truck Collision

Accident Leaves 51-Year-Old Man with a Disability and Unable to Earn a Living

Client Expectation: $100,000
Insurance Company Offer: $400,000
Snow Law Firm Settlement: $850,000

Case Description 

On January 16, 2015, a truck swerved into the center lane to avoid another semi-trailer truck entering the highway. It happened too fast for the oncoming automobile driver already in the center lane to stop in time or change lanes, sending him careening into the back of the semi-trailer truck. From that day forward through April of 2016, there were 14 visits to doctors, pain clinics, and hospitals addressing severe neck pain and lower back pain radiating into his hands, arms, and legs. This 51-year-old Research Engineer sustained a cervical spinal cord injury despite two operations and multiple injections, leaving him totally disabled and unable to return to work as a Research Engineer. Medical expenses exceeded $137,000 related to the incident plus he was subject to a lien in an amount to be determined by his health care provider for all health care services rendered if a legal recovery was obtained.

Legal Issues

The accident occurred out of state, the driver and owner of the truck were from two (2) other states. As normal protocol at Snow Law Firm, three (3) separate industry experts were retained to conduct medical, vocational, and economic assessments to substantiate this man’s disability; and his inability to work leaving him not only with lost wages but with the loss of the ability to earn any income in the future at the young age of 51.


A settlement in the amount of $850,000 was awarded.