Answers to Your Dog-Related Injury Questions

What is strict liability?

Strict liability means that you will be held liable without a finding of negligence. This generally applies to dog-related injury claims against dog owners or keepers who shall be liable for damages caused by their dog.

What happens if your dog knocked someone over?

If your dog knocks someone over and causes injury to them, you are legally responsible for the injury. Dog owners have a duty to control the dog’s behavior and are strictly liable for injuries caused by their dog with few exceptions.

How do you calculate pain and suffering from a dog injury?

Evaluating a dog injury case is challenging. Many factors determine the value of your unique case. To start with, pain and suffering means physical pain and mental suffering. An injured party may have a physical or mental impairment as a result of a dog related injury that can be rated according to widely accepted medical publications. Competent lawyers will have medical providers render written reports that set forth the nature and scope of your permanent partial disability to maximize an award of damages for physical pain and mental suffering.

Other factors include:

  • Medical expenses

  • Future medical expenses

  • Lost wages

  • Loss of earnings capacity

  • Extent of injuries/scarring

  • Loss of spousal consortium

What should I do if I am bitten by a dog?

If you are bitten by a dog, seek medical attention right away and report the incident to the local animal control agency or law enforcement.

Can I sue the owner of a dog if it bites me?

Yes, in most cases, you can sue the owner of a dog if it bites you and the owner may be held liable for any damages caused by their dog.

What are the penalties for violating dog bite laws?

The penalties for violating dog bite laws vary depending upon the state, the number of offenses committed and may result in civil fines, administrative penalties and may result in a lawsuit.

How can I prevent my dog from biting someone?

There are several ways to prevent your dog from biting someone, such as socializing your dog, providing appropriate training and supervision, and taking appropriate precautions when interacting with strangers.

Do all states have dog bite laws?

Yes, all states have some form of dog bite laws, although the specific laws vary from state to state. It is important to take appropriate precautions to prevent dog bite incidents and to understand your state’s rights if you are injured by a dog.